


A Cosmetic surgical operation in which subcutaneous fat is removed from the body by suction” – dictionary definition Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 The key to obtain a successful liposuction is finding the right surgeon who also has an access to the highest quality standard and safety measures. 365mc offers


Successful liposuction leaves
the optimum level of fat
in the body so we measure
not just how much fat
has been suctioned out
but how much fat is left
in the body to ensure
overall health and vitality.

Preforming successful liposuctions on different areas body requires precision and skills of well-trained surgeons. We pride ourselves on the training and education system for our MDs.


Vision and desire to be the best leads to excellence.

We take our patients’ concerns and questions very seriously. We brainstorm what may worry our patients embarking on a journey of body improvement through liposuction. We furnish our operating theaters with the most advanced device and equipment to guarantee the impeccable standard of quality and safety.     Our surgeons are not just trained in plastic surgery techniques but also are focused and experienced in liposuction and other minimally invasive fat reduction surgeries. Our patients are in excellent hands with 365mc because our vision and desire is to provide you with the best possible care and services.


Knowledge leads
to a high success rate
of difficult surgeries.

Highly experienced surgeons at 365mc are confident but methodical. We can intake patients who have been rejected by other clinics due to the excessive weight or patients who need corrective liposuctions after botched surgeries leaving uneven skin